Datacontract Serializable Attribute Wcf

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Using the XmlSerializer Class. Unique to WCF. It is the same serialization engine that. With the DataMemberAttribute attribute when serializing data contract. >>Pokemon Xd Gale Of Darkness Iso Palo. If I use the DataContract to establish serialization, what happens with non-WCF access to the class. Are classes marked with DataContract also >>Serializable? DataContractSerializer only will understand DataContract and DataMember attributes. So, you should be able to access you classes fine but for.

Datacontract Serializable Attribute Wcf

Why does it expose the private fields rather than the public properties as would be the case if the XmlSerializer was used?? I do realize that the DataContractSerializer can serialize private fields when you apply the [DataMember] attribute but i have not done that? Well if you are going to switch over from remoting you have to update the clients as well as there is no compatibility between the remoting and WCF stacks. At this point you should design the DataContract with whatever data is required by the client.

Model the messages explicitly rather than relying on your business objects This requires building Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) that you then map to and from your implementation classes. Toshiba Hdd Protection Driver Windows 8. Tools like AutoMapper can help automate this for you Richard Blewett. The problem i have is that we have a number of services exposed via remoting. So our classes have the [Serializable] attribute applied through out.

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