Nace Basic Corrosion Course Book

SSW is privileged to serve as the home to several experts in the materials and surface analysis field. The team includes: Director, Professor, Dept. Of Chemistry David Shoesmith was educated at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom, where he received his Ph.D. In Electrochemistry in 1970. From 1970 to 1973 he was a post doctoral fellow at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, before joining Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL).

He worked at AECL’s Whiteshell Laboratories (Pinawa, Manitoba for 25 years achieving the rank of Principal Research Officer in 1991. He moved to the University of Western Ontario in 1998 and was appointed the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)/Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Industrial Research Chair in nuclear waste disposal chemistry in 2000.

Nace Basic Corrosion Course Book

He recently started (November 2010) his third five year term in this position. His research interests are in the area of localized corrosion (especially crevice corrosion), the development of techniques to analyze corroding surfaces, and development of deterministic and probabilistic models to describe and predict corrosion performance. He has published over 210 journal articles and refereed conference proceedings and 27 book chapters and review articles, and over 120 commercial and company reports. He has given approximately 50 invited lectures at national and international conferences. Harold Budd The Oak Of The Golden Dreams Rarity. He has graduated over 20 graduate students many of whom have won awards (30 since 2001) at national and international meetings. He has received a number of national and international awards from the Electrochemical Society (Lash Miller Award, Canadian Electrochemistry Award), the Canadian Metallurgical Society (Cohen Award), and NACE International (Whitney Award). In 2010, he was recognized for excellence in graduate student mentoring by the University of Western Ontario.

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He is a Fellow of the Canadian Society for Chemistry, the Electrochemical Society and NACE International. His research covers a number of diverse areas with a primary emphasis on corrosion issues (containers, wasteforms) related to the storage and disposal of high level nuclear waste. In this area his research is primarily funded by the Canadian NWMO (who sponsor his university research chair), the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB, Stockholm) and the USA Department of Energy. He also acts as a consultant to Nagra (Switzerland) and serves on a review board for the French disposal program. Outside the area of nuclear waste disposal, he has funded research programs in the areas of gas transmission pipelines, the automotive industry and an NSERC discovery grant to investigate the basic science of the influence of films and deposits on corrosion and interfacial electrochemical processes. Using this last grant he has pioneered the development of in-situ neutron reflectrometry to investigate multilayered materials interfaces.

He is an experienced conference and symposium organizer having organized and chaired a number of international meetings for NACE International, the Electrochemical Society, the International Society of Electrochemistry and the Materials Research Society. Manager, Operations Gary is the Operations Manager responsible for all aspects of laboratory business. Gary also manages our ISO 9001 registered quality system and has expertise in dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Gary joined Surface Science Western in 1987 with a background in electronics research and development. Manager, Research and Business Development As Research and Business Development Manager, Mark oversees business development, marketing, academic interaction, and larger collaborative and commercial research project portfolios. One of Mark’s areas of scientific expertise is X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).

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