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UPDATE: Our newest annual study is. Original: The CPRC has new issue of our annual report on the number of concealed handgun permits in the US.

A copy of the report is. Some updated numbers are shown at the bottom of this post. Free Download Gsa Abstracts With Program Programs Like Microsoft here. Past reports can be. Part of the executive summary is shown here: During President Obama’s administration, the number of concealed handgun permits has soared to over 14.5 million – a 215% increase since 2007. Among the findings of our report: ■ The increase in the number of concealed handgun permits last year set another record, increasing by 1.73 million. That is slightly greater than previous record of 1.69 million set the last year. ■ 6.06% of the total adult population has a permit.

■ In ten states, more than 10% of adults have concealed handgun permits. Indiana has the highest rate — 15%. South Dakota is close behind with 14. Ultraedit 16 00 Keygen Music. 7%.

■ Florida, Pennsylvania, and Texas each have over a million residents who are active permit holders. ■ In another 11 states, a permit is no longer required to carry in all or virtually all of the state. Thus the growth in permits does not provide a full picture of the overall increase in concealed carry. ■ Between 2012 and 2016, in states that provide data by gender, the number of women with permits has increased twice as quickly as the number of men with permits. UPDATE Arizona: 272,622 June, 2016 to ( of active permit holders were women). In March 5, 2017, there were (21.4% women). In April 3, 2017, there were (21.87% women).

In May 8, 2017, there were (21.81% women). On June 4, 2017, there were (21.8%). Latest Arizona statistics. California: As of December 2016, to get a permit in Sacramento County you are “” Colorado:.

Lepp said he saw a significant increase in the amount of women and senior citizens purchasing guns since last years shootings. Colorado’s data is.

Florida: 1,747,635 on March 31, 2017; 1,718,672 on December 31, 2016; up from 1,581,742 on June 30, 2016. Info on permits for April 30, 2017 and. Info on permits for May 30, 2017: total and., and. See for other recent years. Idaho: beginning December 2016: Of those, 27,243, or 21 percent, were enhanced permits. Up 54 percent from the beginning of 2013, when 85,535 adults had such a permit.

33% of permits are held by women. Because of the adopt of Constitutional Carry the growth in the number of permits has slowed dramatically. Free Download Video Avenged Sevenfold Danger Line.

Indiana: December 31, 2016 there were permits (26.2% were women), October 31, 2016 there were permits, up from 728,976 on June 14, 2016. Of permit holders were women. Kentucky: rose from 277,972 on December 31, 2014 to.

This is obtained by adding up the number of permits issued over the last five years and substracting the number of revoked permits. Lousiana: Increased from to.

Annual reports from state police. Massachusetts: in Dec 2016, 47% increase since beginning of 2011. Graph shows number of permits in January each year. Up from 360,263 in June 1, 2016. Michigan: 556,136 on June 1, 2016 to on June 2, 2017, and (and ). Michigan monthly data are. Annual reports are.

Minnesota — 194,905 April 30, 2015 to, 19 percent of permit holders are women) North Dakota: up from 40,872 on December 31, 2015. Pennsylvania: Concealed handgun permits up in Beaver County. Ohio: as of September 30, 2016 there were more than valid concealed handgun licenses. Up from 549,730 in March 31, 2016. Oregon: December 1, 2016 by county (newspaper ).

South Carolina: For December 31, 2016, it was up from 276,084 on December 31, 2015. South Dakota: October 31, 2016 there were permits, up from 91,785 on May 31, 2016. As of December 30, 2016, there were residents with active permits, one in six adults, or 14.9 percent of the adult population of 644,147 who are 18 or older. At the end of December 2016, there were concealed handgun permits. Tennessee: and up from 560,933 on June 1, 2016. On May 1, 2017. Texas: Went from 1,052,073 on May 1, 2016 to.

Texas permit fee looks likely to be reduced from $140 to $40. Utah: information is.. Wisconsin: annual reports are.

UPDATE: A new report from Kansas provides another example of how the number of concealed handgun permits in a state can fall after a Constitutional Carry law is passed. From the McPherson Sentinel (McPherson, Kansas): This decline comes on the heels of a legislative change in 2015 allowing eligible Kansans to carry concealed without a license. Between July 1, 2015, and June 30, 2016, the Kansas Attorney General office’s Concealed Carry Licensing Unit received 5,874 applications. Compared with recent years, this marked a steep decline in new applications — there were 9,800 applications received in the prior year. For Steve Sechler, owner of Treasure Chest Gun Shop, McPherson isn’t matching these declines. The store offers concealed carry licensing classes and other gun ownership education classes, and enrollment rates are rising. Now, people are starting to realize they need the education with it, so they’re taking the class now and it’s picked back up,” Sechler said.....

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