Calculate Distance Between Zip Codes Vba

Free ZIP Code Distance Calculator and Lookup. Calculate Distance between Zip Codes. Excel Distance Calculation. Calculate distance between two points with QGIS 2.14.0. I have been trying to calculate the distance between two zip codes using MS Access and I have written the following code: Public Function GetDuration(start As String. Excel VBA Calculate distance between two addresses. Which uses Google API distance matrix function to calculate the Google Maps distance. See the VBA code here.

I have a list of zip codes in Excel that I would like to see if there is a method to calculate the distance between two zip codes. I searched and tried out a few VBA methods posted but no success yet. I read on one thread that Google MAP API is no longer allowing this method due to violation of TOS (not sure if that is the case though).

I also saw a few that calculate distance between two positions (Lat/Long). However, I am looking for zip code instead as I have a very long list to get through and would prefer to not have to enter into a website one at a time as I need to find closet point between zips as well, after calculating the entire list.

Calculate Distance Between Zip Codes

Thanks for any info. Zip codes can be very large areas in some places. In cities they can be quite small, in rural areas quite large. There is no such thing as calculating a distance between two zip codes because they are two dimensional areas, not points. There are an infinite number of distances between two zip codes, depending upon where you decide to measure from. Therefore, you must choose a point within each zip code that seems representative of the 'center' of the zip code. For example, you could choose a geographic 'center of gravity' that attempts to find the most reasonable 'center' for an irregularly shaped object.

This is the most common approach. A less common approach, and more difficult approach is to use a population weighted center of gravity. Wii Sd Card Format File System on this page. Using population density (usually at the census tract or block level) one finds the highest concentrations of population and places the 'center' at that point, assuming that where most people will be when they ask for a distance calculation. It will always be approximate unless you are going to geocode to a specific address using Google maps tools.

For example, I live in 77081. The center is quite a ways away. Addresses that are close to me still show as being miles away because it's a center to center zip code measurement. If you are talking about larger distance calculations, from city to city, for example, then the margin of error is substantially reduced. There are several sources for getting the lat/long for each zip code. Grab these as a csv file, then use a VLookup function to add lat/long to your file. • • • • (paid) The distance computation is simple.

The Pythagoras theorem. There are a few wrinkles, however. Latitude and longitude are spherical coordinates.

Over smaller areas, like a county or handful of counties, the error in using lat/long is small because you can treat 1 degree of lat as being equal to 1 degree of long. Over larger areas and higher latitudes the errors become more pronounced. Most Mercator projection maps (which is what virtually every map you have ever looked at uses) are laid out in state plane coordinates. There are several coordinate systems, depending upon where you are working.

You can go to a website like and get your lat/long coordinates converted to state plane coordinates and then do your computations. They will be quite accurate. Once you've got the distance in coordinates, convert to miles through a simple 1 mile = X state plane units where X is dependent upon the state plane you have chosen. Thanks for all the replies. Actually I have the full address and zip, just thought it might be easier using the zip.

I don't have the lat/long so it might take some doing to convert but if that is more accurate than probably best to try this. When I mentioned I have to calculate short distance between two points, using the full address might be best because I need to find the nearest location to a long list of addresses. But if that is too big of a project, I can at least try with the zip. I am guessing to calculate the Lat/Long I need to upload the full address. I like to normally use lat / long 4 or 5 digits in it as this would be 11.1meters (4 digits) or 1.11 meters (5 digits) to true Pin Point that gets a more accurate distance calculation. Lat/long is intimately related to nautical miles.

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