Windows 7 Software Protection Service Disabled

Windows 7 Software Protection ServiceWindows 7 Software Protection Service Disabled

Biology For Bodybuilders Pdf To Word more. You couldn't really describe it as a bug since the SPP service is only doing what it should, which is logging requests that are being made to it. The real task you have is to identify what the calling task is and then determine if there's a reason it's checking the licencing status so often and potentially lessening those checks. Drivers Ed Manual Nh Answers To Interview on this page. Going back to the previous post as an example, if it's Server Manager, then you can actually configure the refresh interval or turn it off entirely (you'd have to tell the people running it to do this as there's no central way of doing so as far as I know). One thing you can do purely as a testing mechanic is to disable the firewall rules for 'Windows Remote Management' (there's two of them: port 5985 and port 80). If you do this, then keep an eye on the event log and see if that stops the licensing events from generating.

Just don't forget to re-enable the firewall rule once you're done. Cheers, Lain.

Hi, It shouldn't be running every five minutes unless something is wrong with the licencing status or you have a monitoring/management tool checking the licencing status of the server, which will require the service to start. You can double-check the frequency of the scheduled task that usually handles the starting of the service within the Scheduled Tasks MMC here: Task Scheduler Library Microsoft Windows SoftwareProtectionPlatform If the value for 'Last Run Time' isn't correlating with the timestamps you're seeing on the event log entries, then you've got a monitoring/management process tripping the service. Cheers, Lain. Okay, that probably explains why the scheduled task is disabled then, as there's no recurrent checks once a MAK key has been initially activated. That still leaves your original problem, of course. What are the actual event IDs that are being generated?

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