Theta Healing Technique Pdf Reader

Theta Healing Technique Pdf Reader. Euro Pro 1262d Manual Arts more. Dictionary of the secret language of Scientology. Dictionary of the secret language of Scientology. Definition of Terms. ThetaHealing® is an incredible self-healing technique designed by Vianna Stibal after she instantly healed herself from cancer that nearly destroyed her leg. It is based on focused prayer to the Creator of all That is and the simple, easy technique guides the practitioner to instantly create changes on a physical, emotional,. ThetaHealing® is a technique that. Theta” state, you can actually watch the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional healing.

Healing Touch Professional Association has partnered with Energy Medicine Professional Association (EMPA) to bring you this valuable liability insurance coverage. HTPA members can apply for insurance through this page. An HTPA Membership is required before you apply.

Theta Healing Technique Pdf ReaderFree Theta Healing Technique

If you are looking for insurance but are not a Healing Touch Program student or practitioner,This application combines insurance and membership and is tailored for all energy professionals. This liability coverage is specifically designed for the Energy Medicine professional and their practice.

Coverage is tailored to cover students, practitioners and instructors. EMPA offers an annual policy that renews every year on April 1st and your premium is prorated based on the month you enroll. Coverage renews for a full year each April 1st. United States residents only. Three Levels of Coverage to Choose From.

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Standard $125 $115 $105 $94 $84 $73 $63 $53 $42 $32 $21 $11 Professional $150 $138 $125 $113 $100 $88 $75 $63 $50 $38 $25 $13 Premium $250 $230 $209 $188 $167 $146 $125 $105 $84 $36 $42 $21 Comprehensive Coverage EMPA liability insurance includes comprehensive coverage. If you are named in a lawsuit, an experienced attorney will represent you. Whatever the outcome, this policy pays for legal fees, court costs, and any judgments involving claims or allegations as outlined in the coverage description. Liability insurance. Coverage Coverage Description Coverage Limits Professional Liability similar to malpractice Covers claims made for injuries due to misconduct or lack of ordinary skill. Coverage will respond to incidents arising from the coverage period regardless of when those claims are reported. $2 million per occurrence / $4 million annual aggregate General Liability Covers claims for injuries that occur at your place of work, including trip and fall.

Coverage will respond to incidents arising from the coverage period regardless of when those claims are reported. $2 million per occurrence / $4 million annual aggregate Personal and Advertising Injury Protects you from suits involving libel, slander or wrongful invasion of privacy. $2 million per occurrence / $4 million annual aggregate Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Covers claims made against you for damage or injury resulting from a product you use on clients. $3,000,000 Property Rented to You Covers fire damage to the space you work in.

$100,000 Umbrella Liability Umbrella Liability is included in the coverage limits listed above. Additional Coverage Information: • Must be a US resident. Coverage is offered in all 50 United States. • No deductibles for general liability or professional liability. • Coverage for any place you work; an office, on site, seminar, convention, healthcare facility, spa and anywhere you travel in the United States.

• Coverage starts as soon as the application is approved. • Covers any incident that happens within your policy period, even if the claim is made years later and your policy has expired. (occurence) • Internet, phone and Skype sessions are covered but any breach of confidentiality over the internet is excluded from this policy. (HIPPA regulation) • All covered activities must be therapeutic in nature.

Activities performed solely as entertainment, such as psychic readings and fortune telling are not covered. • Coverage assumes the practitioner is operating within the laws of their state, including any other legal compliance. • Coverage assumes the practitioner is trained to practice listed modalities and is working within their scope of practice/training. • Once purchased, the coverage cannot be cancelled during the policy term. • Health/ Wellness coaches that give advice that is informative or educational but not prescriptive are covered. Covered Modalities Many practitioners in the Energy Medicine field have training in a number of modalities. You may receive coverage for several of modalities provided you have a basis of training in a professional program that ensures that you are a safe practitioner.

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