Operation Mastermind Pdf

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Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • THE POWER OF THOUGHT When a man really DESIRES a thing so deeply that he is willing to stake his entire future on a single turn of the wheel in order to get it, he is sure to win. Adopt a DEFINITE PURPOSE, and stand by that purpose until it had time to become an all-consuming obsession! What is it you really want? Do you want a better job? Do you want to succeed in your current career?

If you DESIRE so strongly, you will be able to make this desire a reality. Nero Vision Portable Ita Download Google more. Tony Robbins has a phrase, “Proximity is power”. Is there a business leader who inspires you?

What would it be like to work for them? What would you give up in order to make your dream a reality?

The Job Hunt Shift your thinking, shift it away from need to ‘get a job’ and focus on what you can GIVE to a job, to a manager/owner. It’s not about ‘bucks per hour’.

It’s about your energy, your destiny and your future. Never give up. Make new connections.

Take different approaches. Seek additional resources to help you improve your job search skills. Persist and find people who can help you to achieve your goals. Desire + Ideas + Plans + Massive Action = Success When you begin to THINK AND GROW RICH, you will observe that riches begin with a state of mind, with a definiteness of purpose, with little or no hard work.

For a job seeker – spend time getting excited – yes, excited – about what your next bigger and better situation will be, and what life will be like for you once you achieve that. This is followed by finding all the necessary resources to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.

Learn the art of changing your minds from FAILURE CONSCIOUSNESS to SUCCESS CONSCIOUSNESS. “You are the master of your fate, the captain of your soul.”. Where is Your Focus?

If your thoughts are dominated by all the failings and shortcomings of your boss, then you are only going to magnify those flaws in your mind. This will only limit your chances for achievement. You need to either work for yourself or adapt yourself to some else’s styles and philosophy if you want your career to grow. DESIRE: THE TURNING POINT OF ACHIEVEMENT Pull Motivations Where the outcome is so favourable to you that you are pulled toward the goal. Push Motivations A potentially negative outcome of a situation is also a powerful motivator.

Where you are pushed to take action because of the negative consequences of not taking action. Your desire for a new job must be so powerful that you get leverage over yourself to do whatever it takes to get that job. You’ve got to use a combination of push and pull motivation. Career Growth Most job-seekers are more preoccupied with ego-driven concerns such as their title, their hourly rate or salary, their benefits etc., rather than how they will grow from being in the company and position. Your question should not be; “what do I get?” A better question is; “how will I grow?” Follow, Then Lead Is there someone at the top of your field whom you admire? What if you were able to act as an apprentice to this person, how would that affect your career trajectory? Money First: Be definite as to the amount of money or type of job.

Second: Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the compensation or position you desire. Atc Core Bonding Manual here. Third: Establish a definite date when you intend to be in the position or achieve the compensation you desire. Fourth: Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once.

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