Mirc Download Script

Some of the popular modern scripts [which add functionality to mIRC] are listed below. If a script's download page is offline, you can always go to the home IRC channel to get a certified copy of that script. Whichever script you choose, or choose not to use one is completely up to your personal preference. If you plan to share files on a more or less regular basis, you're advised to use a script designed for that purpose. Not all scripts will include mIRC. Sometimes you'll have to download an appropriate version of mIRC. MIRC Version Archive 1: » mIRC Version Archive 2: » To prevent problems with security, always try to get the script from the author's webpage or channel.

Mirc Download ScriptDownload Mirc Script Shqip

And now to the scripts. ------------------------------------------- Invision Extremely powerful script, both for file sharing and for downloading or chatting.

Homepage: » Features: » [too many to list] IRC Channel: irc://matrix.dal.net:6667/invision [#invision on Dalnet] --------------- Syris Sophisticated file serving script popular among former Excursion users. Has some excellent and unique features. Homepage: » IRC Channel: irc://matrix.dal.net:6667/syris [#syris on Dalnet] --------------- Excursion Colorful script many acro's(*) and other fun features plus a top notch fserve engine.

The Harbrace Anthology Of Short Fiction Ebook Zone on this page. Very popular and has a highly loyal following (just look in their IRC channel!) Homepage: » IRC Channel: irc://matrix.dal.net:6667/excursion [#excursion on Dalnet] * Note: Acros is an abbreviation, or irc-speak for acronyms. An example of acronym is when you type 'lol' the script writes 'Laughing Out Loud!!' With colors and symbols. --------------- eXtreme No-nonsense script with amazing socket support. FTP client, telnet client, netstat, bouncer, remote control module, several levels of encrypted dcc [ip to ip] chat, complete channel management, eggdrop bot interface, irc proxy, and other tcp/ip functions.

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